Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What I Would Like For My 9th Birday Presents!

Brock Rocks

Hi! Thanks for stopping by. You don't have to buy me any presints, but if you do need ideas for my birthday. Here they are. Ideas for my 9th birthday presints.
1. GameBoy Advance DS
2. ViewGo
3. Sly1
4. basketball stuff
5. Compueter mouse
6. Compueter games
7. PSP
8. New basketball shoes
anything would be nice

My first Post

This picture is from my recent skiing trip with my family to Big Bear.When my family was in Big Bear me my dad and my sister
all went skiing but my mom went snowbording.I did 100 runs on the bunny hill and 20 on the big hill.My sister did 102 runs
on the bunny hill and 5 on the big hill. I can't wait to go back. I really want to learn to ski with poles and go off of jumps. The best part of skiing is feeling the snow in your face and feeling like you're flying. The scariest part is when you're going down a really steep hill and worrying about falling. If you haven't tried it, you reall should! My Dad said next time we could go to Mammoth.